GIRL SCOUTS & BIRTHDAY PARTIES! Sunday Afternoons (April-November) Where: Thady Quill Age: 16 & under Price: $300 (non refundable reservation fee) ** 1 hour $35 per child ** 2 hours $55 per child Times: 1-2 hours *No more than 10 children*
About: Whether your celebrating a birthday or getting a Girl Scout badge in horsemanship come spend a Sunday with us learning about the horses & care, grooming, touring the beautiful property, fun facts and taking a pony ride (pony ride-2 hour session only)! *You may bring a cake or pizza with you to celebrate, NO BALLOONS*
Girl Scouts- provided horse toy & achievement certificate Birthday Party- provided decorations for the horse and sash for the birthday girl/boy! *Birthday girl/boy is free if more than 3 children*
**AVAILABLE NOW** OFFSITE UNICORN PONY PARTIES Between the months of April-November we canbring our pony to your house for birthday parties! Ages 3-12 1 pony provided dressed as a unicorn $425 - 90 min party (includes our pony dressed up, pony rides and travel up to 15 mins from Old Brookville) If you need a longer party/detailed party ideas or are further away pricing please contact us for additional information!
Spend your Sunday afternoon with us! Call for more details!